Branded Tracking: Elevating The Post-Purchase Experience
In the world of e-commerce, the post-purchase phase can make or break customer relationships. In fact, recent surveys reveal some eye-opening statistics that highlight the importance of providing an exceptional post-purchase experience.
In this article, we’ll explore how Glow’s Branded Tracking enables businesses to own the entire customer journey and elevate the post-purchase experience.

1. Understanding the Post-Purchase Experience
The post-purchase experience refers to the interactions that take place after a customer has finished purchasing a product online. This involves the entire journey – from the point of purchase – to the moment when the product arrives at the customer’s doorstep. During this phase, customers form lasting impressions, evaluate a brand’s reliability and decide whether or not to repeat purchases in the future.

2. Enhancing Trust with Glow's Branded Tracking
Recent statistics highlight the significant role retailers play in delivering a seamless and timely experience. In fact, about 41% of consumers holds them accountable for late deliveries. Research also emphasizes the importance in building post-purchase trust through quick customer service, flexible delivery options and reliable tracking options.
This is where Glow steps in as the solution. Our real-time tracking system streamlines the delivery process, offering transparency and reliability to end customers. Through our Branded Tracking feature, retailers can fulfill customers’ needs by providing real-time package tracking. Moreover, they can build trust by customizing these tracking pages with their own branding elements.

3. Showcasing Sustainable Deliveries
The post-purchase experience goes beyond just receiving a product; it also delves into the values and principles that a brand represents. That is why, in an era of environmental consciousness, sustainability has become an essential element for successful businesses.
Recent data revealed a troubling trend: carbon emissions from last-mile deliveries are predicted to surge by 32% by 2030. As a result, as consumers seek more eco-friendly delivery options, offering green deliveries becomes an opportunity for retailers to foster a positive brand image and establish connections with environmentally conscious customers.
With our Branded Deliveries tracking feature, retailers can communicate and visually showcase their sustainable efforts, thus strengthening consumers’ post-purchase experience and their connection towards the brand.
Interested in our last-mile delivery solution?
Reach out to learn how Glow’s transport management system can help you stand out from competitors, while impressing customers with a seamless delivery experience.